San Bernardino Valley College  How to Improve on the Vaccination Site by Tamara Orozco

San Bernardino Valley College has recently announced that they would be providing a vaccination site on campus on May 12 and May 13.SBVC would be providing the vaccination of  Moderna  the two dose vaccine   on May 12 and May 13.Furthermore,iniduvdals are advised to register online in order to book their appointment for the Moderna Covid-29 vaccine. Now, That’s all well and good that SBVC has decided to provide a vaccination site for students and the public. However, The issue with SBVC good intentions of helping students and the public to transition into a new sense of normal. The issue with SBVC vaccination site is that their not providing fast news distribution of the vaccination days by this I mean it seems like SBVC is providing the information of the vaccination site last minute to the general public  and the very small time frame to make an appointment for the Moderna vaccine seems very short notice and will not provide enough time or opportunity for individuals to get their vaccine.

If SBVC really wants it’s students and faculty to be back on campus for he fall 2021 semester and spring 2222  then they should send out notice of future vaccination days ahead of time possible several weeks ahead so that individuals do not feel rushed to apply for an appointment. By this I mean two days are not enough time or vaccination resources is available to really make that mush of a dent in covid-19 pandemic. I feel like SBVC could provide more vaccination days and send out earlier notice of these vaccination sites days to  get their covid-19 vaccine.

person in brown long sleeve shirt with white bandage on right hand


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